In the center of the village, a horde of copper plates of Mahashivagupta Balarjuna was recovered from a mound. The villagers had previously built a temple atop the mound and had called it Surag Tila. The excavation of the mound revealed a plan of a panchayatana Shiva temple complex. The plan consists of two large temples surrounded by four smaller ones on four corners and a priest’s house to the southwest of the main temple. The two main temples in the center and three sub shrines in the northeast, southeast and northeast sides were unearthed. It is believed that the temple complex was built in the 6th century AD. The entire complex was fortified with a metre-wide stone and brick walls, the remains of which are found on the western side of the complex. A steep flight of stairs leads to the top of the Tila. The steps tilt inwards, perhaps due to an earthquake, signs of which have been noticed in some other Sirpur structures as well.
In his excavation report (2005), archaeology AK Sharma records of the discovery of a unique temple, which he refers to as ‘The Temple of Trinity’, in the southwest of the main temple in the Surang Tila complex. The presiding deities of the temple belong to two different sects, Vaishnavism and Shaivism, and their idols have been installed together.